Today is the Feast of the Epiphany.
Epiphany is usually associated with a crystallization of meaning occurring suddenly or seemingly out of nowhere. The word comes from Greek, epi phanos, meaning "to shine forth."
To me, it's not so much that a "new" idea occurs to you but that you become aware of a truth that's always been. The nature of epiphany is a point of awareness that alters your perspective from then on.
A revelation:
(Boston, December 2020)
Not to jinx myself, but I've had a string of good luck lately. Even in the dead of winter, spring is on its way to us. And as the world emerges from the snow this year, we have some hope for an end to the worst parts of this pandemic. If you are anything like me, by now you have unspent energy seeking its release.
Quarantine has revealed a lot to me. Not least of which how I miss lingering over a wine pairing and how precious hidden moments can be. What is it showing you?
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